Cameron's still turning 'denials into revivals'

Cameron's still turning 'denials into revivals'

Cameron's still turning 'denials into revivals'

An actor and author would like to see you at the library once again.

Kirk Cameron recently told American Family Radio that Brave Books and other organizers of the upcoming national event hope to build off last year's success.

"I had been writing some children's books that are teaching kids Christian values," he recalled of 2023. "There were librarians who've been infected with the woke mind virus that have denied us access to public libraries because they don't like books about faith, hope, and love. Well, we pushed back and turned these denials into revivals."

Last year's effort had more than 306 story hours in one day. This year, on August 24, more are planned.

"It's called See You at the Library, and it's where thousands of families are gathering at public libraries to pray, to sing the national anthem, and read books of Christian virtue and character to children," Cameron detailed.

Remembering one group in Huntsville, AL called this effort "Kirkpocalypse" last year, he anticipates protests.

"It's simply parents and grandparents who love God, love their country, love their kids, and they're reading books of Christian character and teaching their children what a great country we live in," Cameron reiterates.

In his view, it is "silly" that anyone would protest that. Regardless, he is "super excited" about this ongoing movement to secure the hearts and minds of the next generation.