The survey of Jews, conducted by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, found 76% of those surveyed professed that they hid their Jewish identity "at least occasionally," while 34% said they avoid Jewish events or places because they don’t feel safe.
The survey, which compiled data from 12 Jewish organizations, found that a whopping 96% of European Jews had encountered anti-Semitism in 2023.
Bible teacher Jan Markell, founder of Olive Tree Ministries, says the survey’s results remind her of the 1930s, during rise of Adolf Hitler, and she sees the spirit of the anti-Christ being poured out over the world.
“I am shocked literally every day,” she tells AFN. “But this will be the world during the biblical Tribulation, the time of Jacob's trouble. It's the time when the entire world will come against the Jews, and we're in a set-up to that now.”

The survey concluded that European Jews are in the grip of "rising tide of anti-Semitism" that is brought on by increased tensions over the war in Gaza.
In light of Europe’s troubles, Markell tells AFN she was sickened by a recent remark from Vice President Kamala Harris. In an interview with The Nation, Harris praised anti-Semitic college protesters for the “human emotion” they’re expressing on behalf of Gaza and the Palestinians.
Anybody who talks like that, Markell says, is “blatantly un-American” and a danger to both our country and to U.S. ally Israel.