Family celebrates holiday in a big way

Family celebrates holiday in a big way

Family celebrates holiday in a big way

Leading up to Independence Day, a father and son have been in the news for their unique patriotic display.

John Beard recently told "Fox & Friends First" the 50-foot-wide American flag he and his son Jayden (both pictured above) covered their home with was given to them by a Marine veteran as a parting gift when they moved from Tennessee to Louisiana.

"We've had it for about a year and a half now, and we don't have a big flagpole to put it on," he detailed. "We decided in order to show our patriotism, this is how we were going to do it. We put it on the house."

The duo's friends and neighbors in Walker were surprised by the display, but according to Jayden, "they were all for it" and even helped get the job done.

"I agree with my father's choice," he shared. "It represents my freedom, everyone's freedom … of speech, being able to hang this flag and having no repercussions … because it's our right."

Mr. Beard said the only notable pushback has come from strangers online, but that does not bother him.

"We just kinda think if we're upsetting the liberals, then [we] must be doing something right," he told show hosts.

"It's very emotional for me. We just love our country; that's all," Beard relayed to a local news outlet. "I just hope that for one day, the Fourth of July, that everybody can just come together and remember America."