The dumbing down of values taught to all men years ago has reached a tipping point, and black voters are responding, Rep. Burgess Owens (R-Utah) told the Washington Watch program.
House Republicans are responding too, Owens told show host Jody Hice.
The House passed its version of the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act on Friday. The version yet to come from the Democrat-controlled Senate will likely look much different.
The NDAA must be passed on an annual basis to fund the military.

If the GOP amendments make it through, the new NDAA would deny healthcare coverage for gender manipulation procedures for military personnel and dependents; would reverse DOD policy of payment for travel and other abortion-related expenses for personnel and dependents; and it would eliminate the Pentagon’s office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
House Minority Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (R-New York) balked at the amendments Friday afternoon.
“It’s time for extreme MAGA Republicans to abandon their effort to jam their right-wing ideology down the throats of the American people,” he said. “These Republican amendments that have been attached to the National Defense Authorization Act are completely out of control.”
“The fact that they’re upset, lobbing things at us like MAGA, we know we’re on the right track,” Owens said of Democrat opposition. “'Make America Great Again' is what we all should want, particularly with what we’re going through right now.”
Black support for Trump
Owens, himself an African-American, said the increasing numbers of black men and other minorities supporting Trump show a changing pulse of the American people.
“I’m excited that the American people are not listening to this anymore. Look at the numbers with the blacks, Hispanics, the Jewish community, they’re waking up like they did 40 years ago. These guys use misery as a political strategy, and we are so done with that. We’re ready to move on and get back to the American dream in a way we’ve always been to become a more perfect union,” Owens said.
Suffolk/USA Today last October, and Quinnipiac earlier this month, are among polls that show Trump performing better among black voters.
Last November, The New York Times called the black drift a warning sign for Joe Biden and his campaign.
Last month, minority voters turned out in droves to support Trump at a rally in the Bronx, one borough over from his Manhattan trial viewed by many as an example of the weaponization of government resources against Biden’s only meaningful obstacle to reelection.
Amazingly, New York's Democrat governor, Kathy Hochul, dismissed the Bronx crowd as "clowns" even though attendees told the media they are Democrats who are supporting Trump.
"The biggest mistake they did was mess with Trump” a Puerto Rican woman, who said she is a "lifelong Democrat," said. “That woke up a lot of people.”
“Black men in particular are finally saying, ‘We’re so sick of this we’re going to vote for Trump because Trump is telling us how it really is to be respected and looked at and look in the mirror and realize there’s somebody looking back that you can be proud of,’” Owens said.
Part of the pride comes in men being strong in traditional values.
Owens was raised in Tallahassee, Florida where he says patriotism, education, the family unit and faith were core tenets of his community.
The opposite is taught now, he says.
“Faith was everything in the 1960s. That turned upside down not because of white supremacists but because of black elitists. We have people in this country that know what it is to succeed but will fight to the death not to let other people know what it is to succeed. Success comes down to one simple thing: tie in and lean in hard to the American culture – faith, family, free markets, education. That is the Republican party’s mantra. That is exactly what the hard left, the cultural Marxists hate,” Owens said.
Democrats show an absence of values in policies like defunding police, failing to admit the difference between a man and a woman, not supporting Israel, the open southern border and more, Owens said.
Conservatives need to continue their efforts to support women but need to be reminded that erosion of women’s base of support is equally devastating, Owens said.
What’s playing out now is a “devious attack on manhood,” he said.
“When men will watch our women being attacked, taking pictures and videos and standing on the sidelines to cheer men beating out women (in athletic competitions), or boys beating out girls," the congressman warned, "these are not true men anymore.”
Congress effort to overturn Title IX rewrite
The House Committee on Education and Workforce last week approved a measure that would overturn the Biden administration’s rewrite of Title IX, the landmark 1972 legislation that protected women’s rights.
The measure would reverse the updates to Title IX through the Congressional Review Act, a procedural tool that allows Congress to roll back certain actions from federal agencies.
The measure passed out of committee with a 24-16 party-line vote and has almost 70 co-sponsors in the House where it is expected to receive a full vote.
A similar effort is on-going in the Senate.
Ultimately, overturning Biden’s Title IX rewrite – which is scheduled to become law on Aug. 1 – will require passage of both chambers plus his signature – or a two-thirds vote of both chambers to override a presidential veto.
Burgess called on men to resist the confusion of the genders so prevalent in far-left politics today and return to leadership by sacrifice.
“When we lose the idea that we’re not here to sacrifice, we will lose our culture because we will lose our families,” he said. “Manhood’s role is to sacrifice everything, life if he needs to, for his wife and for his kids and to be a great example so that his name is something his family wants to hold onto and pass on his legacy from one generation to the next.”