'Pride' month good time to celebrate, defend biblical manhood

'Pride' month good time to celebrate, defend biblical manhood

'Pride' month good time to celebrate, defend biblical manhood

While a small portion of the U.S. celebrates "pride" in those who proclaim to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and other beliefs, one Christian men’s group announced this week what some might consider a controversial stance.

Promise Keepers says it will not only celebrate manhood but will define it.

Not redefine it, just remind Americans of its biblical definition which permeates the nation’s founding documents.

Promise Keepers is asking male Christian leaders to publicly declare their position on biblical masculinity by signing its Godly Masculinity Proclamation.

“No more playing both sides to ensure the pews remain full,” Promise Keepers Chairman Ken Harrison said.

Promise Keepers encourages its members to first begin a relationship with Jesus Christ. Then it focuses on accountability from one man to another and men living with integrity and growing faith.

The proclamation, written by a group of Christian leaders, establishes 10 truths regarding biblical masculinity, ways it says men should lead in their churches, families and communities.

“The reason masculinity is controversial in 2024 is because the world’s system has set itself against the very design and the image of God for manhood,” David Benham, a businessman and Christian author, said on Washington Watch Monday. “Satan does not want men to be Godly men, biblical men, to embrace masculinity as God designed it.”

The proclamation can be found at WhatMakesAMan.org. Individuals are encouraged to sign it and forward it to their pastors.

Benham told show host Tony Perkins current culture elevates perversion, greed, promiscuity, dominance and chauvinism.

“What Promise Keepers has chosen to do at this moment in history is to define what a true biblical man is. What is manhood? What is masculinity? Now, during Pride month especially, is the time to clearly define what a man is.”

There are great differences between the current culture’s definition of manhood, which involves dominance, and Christ’s definition as a servant leader who “sacrificed himself for us,” Benham said.

“That’s the true essence of biblical masculinity, that a man is tasked No. 1 to provide and protect, to lay down his life, to be the first line of defense. Thank God for all the moms out there who are doing great work in the absence of good men, but men are tasked with this responsibility.”

A modified MLK quote applies today

Benham said Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous quote on the role of the Church during the Civil Rights movement remains applicable regarding its role in cultural attacks on masculinity.

“The Church must be reminded that it is neither the master nor the servant of the state, it is the conscience of the state,” Benham said. “When the Church forsakes its conscience, and we don’t train up me to be biblical men, then men turn around and use the power and strength God gave us to stand against injustice, now they use it to perpetrate evil.”

The proclamation could be an important first step in what Benham hopes will be a resurgence of Godly men in society.

“When you have your children actually read this and see it, everything’s going to change,” he said.