The National Library of Medicine used data from a Turnaway Study to conclude that 98% of women who were denied abortions in pro-life states are glad they did not abort. The 91% who chose to raise their children themselves emotionally bonded with their babies. The other 9% placed their children for adoption.

"That really flies in the face of the pro-choice narrative that says you're going to force this woman to have a baby, and she's going to be a terrible mother, and she's going to abuse this child because she didn't want him in the first place," responds Kimberlyn Schwartz of Texas Right to Life. "They weave this story about how the woman who wants to abort should because that would be the better interest of the child."
In an analysis of the effects of abortion denial on women's health and lives, reports that interviews reveal women "felt their child motivated them to have a better life or career or to avoid drugs and alcohol."
"There was a 26-year-old woman from the Midwest who had considered an abortion but was denied," Schwartz notes. "She said, 'I bring down tears. Something when I see him, I'm like oh my gosh! How could it pass my head to have an abortion? And now I have a lovely son that I adore so much, that I love so much.'"
She says that is an example of why it is so important and beneficial for woman to know the truth about abortion – that it leaves behind a litany of emotional and perhaps physical scars that do not have to be.