Addressing an issue of fairness in child support

Addressing an issue of fairness in child support

Addressing an issue of fairness in child support

If Kentucky passes a bill that's currently under consideration, fathers will have to take responsibility for their children in the womb.

Though Kentucky is a strong pro-life state, too many pregnant mothers seek abortion when they are abandoned by the father of their child. With that in mind, David Walls of The Family Foundation says the legislature is considering a bill that would help those mothers choose life.

Walls, David (The Family Foundation) Walls

"Senate Bill 110 would simply just recognize what we know -- that the child in the womb is a human life at the moment of conception," he explains. "This would just allow for child support to be applied retroactively, covering the time that the child is in the womb."

He points out that a father is 50% responsible for every pregnancy, so it makes sense for them to be legally bound to support their children for at least 18 years and nine months.

"There's an obligation," says Walls. "We recognize that the obligation to take care of a child begins at the moment of conception, so really, this is, I think, a fairness issue. I think it promotes a consistent pro-life policy in this area of law that is important for Kentucky to recognize."

The bill has been voted out of committee, and the first full vote on the measure will soon be done in the state Senate.