Pastor Carlos Duran, president of the National Hispanic Pastors Alliance (NAHPA), says the Stand For Our Values prayer rally is scheduled for October 28th from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Eastern.

"We're going to be located on 4th Street, right in the middle of the Mall, and we're just going to pray for our nation," he details. "Everyone is invited. Even though we're the National Hispanic Pastors Alliance, actually, we are Americans. We're not Hispanic first; we are Christians and we are Americans first, and the Church is our family."
So the NAHPA is inviting family, the Christian community, to gather together and ask God for his will and blessing in the nation.
Those who cannot make the trip to D.C. are invited to hold prayer at their place of worship during the event. Pastor Duran asks anyone wanting to join the Facebook and YouTube live simulcasts to reach out to his organization, "and we will contact them and make sure we connect."