Restoring faith in America

Restoring faith in America

Restoring faith in America

The nation's largest legal organization dedicated exclusively to defending religious liberty for all Americans is reminding people about a challenge to come together in prayer.

As AFN has reported, Joe Kennedy is the football coach who lost his job for praying after games. In 2022, citing the free exercise and free speech clauses of the First Amendment, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that Kennedy should not have been fired.

So Coach Kennedy returns to the sidelines on Friday, September 1st, when Bremerton High School's varsity football team kicks off its 2023 season. Once the game is over, regardless of the outcome, Kennedy plans to stay on the field and do the very thing for which he was fired in September of 2015: Pray silently in public.

In celebration of his return, and to observe everyone's First Amendment freedoms, Kennedy's attorneys at First Liberty Institute are encouraging fellow believers to take a knee with the coach.

"It's our prayer that coaches, players, parents, and fans all over the country will join him," First Liberty says on a specially-created website, Restoring Faith In America.

In addition to committing to pray with Coach Kennedy on September 1st, First Liberty invites prayer warriors to record and share a short video message or take a photo to show they took part in the First Freedom Challenge.