Last month, a number facilities in Florida hosted a "Drag Queen Christmas" event, which was marketed to children and included the usual lewd performances. Another "kid-friendly" event featured a supposedly pregnant drag queen who simulated a self-administered abortion and "smeared the red, discharged remains on shirtless male dancers," according to an article in The Florida Standard.
Dr. Jennifer Morse of the Ruth Institute, a global interfaith coalition equipping Christians to defend the family and build a civilization of love, tells AFN children were also present for that event.

"The bottom line of this is that in the state of Florida, the officials are looking into going after these venues that hold these events, because it's a violation of the statutes against child endangerment and exposing children to sexual material," Dr. Morse explains. "They're threatening these guys with the loss of their business license, loss of their liquor license -- that kind of thing."
In each instance, the alleged crimes were recorded by attendees and then released to the public.
"Be aware of what's going on in your own state," the Ruth Institute founder urges. "If you see an advertisement for something of this nature, you need to look into it for yourself, possibly go to it and take pictures of it. At the very least, contact the public authorities so that they can investigate and put a stop to this type of stuff."
Dr. Morse adds that Christian values are under attack, and she says that will continue until and unless people are willing to take a stand and do something about it.