Will UNC allow blatant viewpoint discrimination?

Will UNC allow blatant viewpoint discrimination?

Will UNC allow blatant viewpoint discrimination?

An associate editor for a "right-minded" news website says the student government president of a prominent university in the Southeast is abusing her power.

On July 6th, Taliajah Vann, student government president at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill, issued her unprecedented executive order to cut off executive branch funding "to any individual, business, or organization" that advocates for pro-life causes.

The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) calls it blatant viewpoint discrimination, and Matt Lamb of The College Fix agrees.

Lamb, Matt (The College Fix) Lamb

"It's a very broad executive order," he comments. "So, for example, that could apply to any speaker that comes to campus and shares comments about birth control or abortion."

Students for Life, for which Lamb previously worked, has a UNC chapter that stands to be affected by the order.

"They couldn't get any funds, [even though] some of the money comes from their members," the pro-lifer details. "They couldn't host speakers, [and] I don't even know if they could get money to put up posters promoting their group."

However, because of the constitutional issues, Lamb does not believe the university council would enforce such an order.