Sixty percent of San Francisco voters booted District Attorney Chesa Boudin from office earlier this week following a heated campaign that captivated the country and bitterly divided Democrats over crime, policing, and public safety reform in the overwhelmingly liberal city. The "City by the Bay" has been suffering from increased homicides and gun crimes and witnessing highly publicized "smash-and-grab" robberies from department stores.
Abraham Hamilton III is General Counsel and public policy analyst for American Family Association. During an appearance Wednesday on American Family Radio, the former criminal prosecutor said it's clear San Franciscans have received a dose of reality from Boudin's actions.
"[They argue] there's no such thing as a sin nature, there's no such thing as criminals, there's no such thing as violent criminals," he mused. "But oh, wait a minute – yes, there are. Twenty-percent increase in crimes, upticks in homicides, upticks in random violence against elderly citizens on the street. [Then] they realize: We made a horrible mistake."
He observed: "You don't get any bluer than San Francisco – and San Franciscans are saying Listen, this regressivism is too far … even for us."

But despite Boudin's ouster, Hamilton emphasized, the city remains quite liberal.
"They elected these people – but they're realizing that putting them in office [and] actually allowing them access to the levers of power has detrimental, real-world consequences," he added. "They suffer when they put these types of people in power."
Hamilton expects two things will happen moving forward.
"[I hope] this is a trend in these 'bluest of blue' places – and that they realize that these elections have real-world consequences," said the attorney. "[When] you put these people in power, this is what you can expect to follow when they implement their radical Orwellian vision for living."
Boudin was one of dozens of very liberal district attorneys and attorneys general bought with George Soros money who have been notoriously soft on crime (e.g., Philadelphia's Larry Krasner and Chicago's Kim Foxx). Hamilton argues that even the most liberal of radical liberals want to be safe in their own community.
San Francisco Mayor London Breed, who had backed a more moderate Democrat in the 2019 district attorney race, will name Boudin's replacement.
Editor's Note: The American Family Association is the parent organization of the American Family News Network, which operates