Uvalde pastor describes distraught community, grieving parents

Uvalde pastor describes distraught community, grieving parents

Uvalde pastor describes distraught community, grieving parents

A pastor says grief-stricken families in Uvalde, Texas are feeling the pain of loss from a horrible and evil act, where authorities continue to evaluate the mass shooting that took the lives of teachers and elementary school children.

Tommy Larner of the Del Rio-Uvalde Baptist Association says the anguish and uncertainty lasted well into the night for many parents who got the worst news any parent wants to hear.

“There were families that had to wait until ten-thirty, 11 o’clock at night before they got the final word that their precious child was one of those,” Larner tells AFN. “Can you imagine having to live with that?”

Mistakes were made – grave mistakes – as Uvalde police officers responded to the horrific shooting that ultimately took 21 lives. An hour and fifteen agonizing minutes passed between the time police got to Robb Elementary school and the shooter was killed. For much of that time the gunman was still shooting, and for almost all that time parents were outside begging, pleading and screaming at police to go in and rescue their children.

Meanwhile, the pain and loss are tremendous, and Larner says people will be asking for a long time how a human being could inflict such harm to innocent children.

“I cannot answer that,” he says, “but I can say this: That there's a loving Heavenly Father that wants to embrace those dear families that lost their precious children.”