This is the 15th year for the event co-sponsored by Thomas More Society. The roughly 15-foot-tall wooden cross is located on Chicago's Daley Plaza.

"It was built especially for this purpose by a very dedicated Christian friend of ours, a carpenter who became a [real estate] developer," says Tom Brejcha, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Society. He goes on to call it "a work of joy."
The cross goes up on Holy Thursday, and its purple drape is changed to a white cloth late Saturday evening ahead Sunday morning's sunrise service.
Not everyone is a fan of the cross, though. While some question its constitutionality, Brejcha asserts that it is legal.
"It's private speech in a public forum," he explains. "It's fully protected by the First Amendment."
Tapestry Fellowship and City First Foundation, along with private citizens Karl and Nancy Fritz, co-sponsor the cross display.
Thomas More Society also participates in an annual program involving nativity scenes on government property throughout the country.