An estimated 100,000 Ukrainian refugees are expected to be resettled in the U.S. through a refugee admission program, which is a small number considering more than four million displaced Ukrainians have fled their homes and have spread across Europe.
Ohio currently boasts a significant Ukrainian-American population, which can be traced to the 1870s, so it was no surprise Gov. Mike DeWine announced his willingness to welcome refugees to The Buckeye State.
Piggy-backing on the GOP governor, a number of Ohio Democrats recently signed a letter to three Cabinet-level secretaries, and the director of U.S. immigration, expressing willingness to resettle Ukrainian refugees in Ohio.

Tom Zawistowski, an Ohio-based conservative activist who leads the We the People Convention, says he is normally cautious if Democrats are involved but says the refugees should be welcomed.
“Compared to the immigrants crossing the border from 134 countries,” he says, “the Ukrainians actually know what liberty is, actually know what tyranny is.”
They will soon learn, he adds, how wonderful our country really is.