Democrat political strategist Elizabeth Spiers, writing a guest column in The New York Times, used the landmark abortion case before the U.S. Supreme Court to claim adoption is just as "traumatic" as abortion. Spiers, who is herself adopted, apparently took offense after Justice Amy Coney Barrett remarked during last week's oral arguments that adoption was an option a woman might choose over abortion.
In the column criticizing adoption, Spiers claims that babies who are adopted can develop what is called "relinquishment trauma" which she warns will follow them for life.
And why is that? Because, she explains, babies in the womb “bond with their mothers” and become “familiar” with the mother’s behaviors. When the birth comes, and the baby is taken, the mother "has to relinquish not a lump of cells," Spiers wrote, "but a fully formed baby she has lived with for nine months."

Responding to the Times op-ed, Christian apologist Alex McFarland says Spiers made, quite ironically, “one of the most gripping and compelling pro-life arguments I've heard.”
A person would be hard-pressed, he tells American Family News, to come up with a better argument for the unborn and against the brutality of abortion.
“Here's a pro-choice, pro-abortion, anti-life, anti-legal protection for the unborn writer,” he says, “and she basically proves that the unborn are persons."
Eric Scheidler of Pro-Life Action League tells AFN it's tragic Spiers wrote about the bond between a mother and the unborn child but the truth was right in front of her and went completely over her head.

“That this doesn't inspire a sense of value to the unborn child as a unique person,” he says, “is really shocking and very disturbing.”
According to The New York Post, Spiers' comparison of adoption and abortion lit up social media. Columnist Ben Shapiro wrote a lengthy Twitter thread denouncing it and Meghan McCain used the real-life example of her sister, adopted from Bangladesh, to blast it, too.
"I can assure you," McCain wrote, "my sister prefers being alive than dead."