The left-wing Women's Liberation Front filed suit earlier this month in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California against the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Corrections Secretary Kathleen Allison, and wardens Michael Pallares and Mona Houston.

"Krystal Gonzalez says that she was sexually assaulted by a biological male who was transferred to Central California Women's Facility, which is where she is currently incarcerated," The Daily Signal's Mary Margaret Olohan gives as an example. "When she filed a grievance and asked to be housed away from the men, according to the lawsuit, the prison responded to her in a response that referred to her alleged attacker as a transgender woman."
Gonzales is not the only one who has been harmed by the policy.
"A biological man who went through a gender transition asked to be housed in the same prison as his baby momma, whose children he had killed," Olohan reports. "So that's the level of insanity we have reached at this point, where that kind of thing happens, and the prison system said yes."
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, which includes the largest women's prisons in the world, is merely abiding by the Transgender Respect, Agency, and Dignity Act (SB 132), but in doing so the lawsuit says it is also violating the First, Eighth, and 14th amendments. It further argues that the law "cannot be applied in any manner that avoids violating the federal and state constitutional rights of the plaintiffs."