Canada-based Mind Geek and its online operations, including Pornhub, have been allowing people to upload sexual videos of underage girls and boys, as well as trafficked and rape victims. But Canada held a hearing in recent weeks, and Dani Pinter of the National Council on Sex Exploitation (NCOSE) tells One News Now MP Arnold Viersen has now introduced Bill C-302, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (pornographic material).
"It requires that they're going to have to get identification and keep records of that identification and consent before they post these videos," Pinter details. "Hopefully it will completely upend the industry and will stop this ... irresponsible uploading and anonymous uploading of really criminal content, including minors and sex trafficking and sexual assault, etc."

Meanwhile in America, a couple of porn operations will have their day in court.
"The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has two class-action lawsuits, one against Pornhub and the other against X Videos," Pinter reports. "These are the two most popular websites where minors and others have been trafficked. We are pursuing those class actions to hold these companies accountable here in the United States, and we hope that our government will also pass some regulations."
The hope is Congress, which has called for a criminal investigation, will pass a bill that forbids immunity for websites that permit child pornography.