A recent campus revival event at Ohio State University's Schottenstein Center sports arena reportedly saw a crowd of 6,500+ students – more than 2,000 of whom made professions of faith in Jesus.
And even though outside temperatures were in the teens, students went on to be baptized in the backs of U-Haul trucks that were parked at the event.
"It's so exciting that God is moving throughout America and especially moving in the lives of many young adults," comments Dr. Alex McFarland.
The event at Ohio State University is the second massive revival Unite US has organized this year, coming on the heels of last fall's prayer gathering at Texas A&M.

"Thousands of college students were gathering in Texas to pray for America, pray for their peers, giving their own lives to Christ," McFarland recalls. "The Spirit of God is moving in our country. This is very exciting, and we certainly pray that this will spread and grow, and our nation will have a revival like we haven't seen in decades."
He encounters teens every weekend and all summer through his ministry and youth camps and says they want to know things like how to read the Bible and how to know they are saved, so he knows that young people care about truth.
"They seem to instinctively know that the truth is in God's Word," McFarland says.
He thinks seeing this hunger for truth among young people will encourage older generations in a time where truth has been under attack, and he encourages every church, pastor, leader, and parent to teach young people God's Word and to pray and to be encouraged "because God is moving, and he wants to move in your community, your church, and your family as well."