The cool and dry weather forecast is good news for the displaced and the disaster relief teams in the area.
"Samaritan's Purse has taken up grounds at Lake Avenue Church there in Pasadena for the Altadena victims," reports Pastor Greg Munck of Crossline Community Church in Laguna Hills. "We're still collecting. The first surge is awesome, but I think we've taken like 115 pallets up to the L.A. victims."

He says the victims are grateful for the help, and most of the residents he has talked with (65%-70%) want to stay. But given all the red tape, it may be years before they see actual construction activity at the site of the fires.
Meanwhile, as AFN has reported, local politicians and bureaucrats are considering using eminent domain to take over the properties.
"Some people have this idea that it's an opportunity to reset or do something new," Munck relays. "Anyone that lives there doesn't want that. They just want to rebuild what they had."
That is something he says fellow believers can be praying for.
"Pray that the state and city will do what they say and get out of the way and work with the federal government to help rebuild and get construction on track right away," the local pastor requests.