New research reveals alarming numbers for porn use within churches

New research reveals alarming numbers for porn use within churches

New research reveals alarming numbers for porn use within churches

Pornography use is pervasive in the culture and, tragically, in the church.

Seventy-five percent of Christian men and 40% of Christian women report using pornography on some level, according to new research from Barna Group and Pure Desire Ministries.

On average that use is just 14% less than use by non-Christians.

More alarming still, about half of practicing Christians who view pornographic images, are perfectly comfortable with the habit. Only 21% say they want to quit.

Daniel Weiss of The Brushfires Foundation says most of the images aren't just immoral, they're illegal.

“Most of pornography today could legally be found obscene if someone would just prosecute it.”

He says that's not the life Christ intends for his bride, the Church.

“Jesus didn't come just to save our souls. He came to help us thrive in all areas of life. So, some of our mission is to reach into those deep dark places, those wounded places of our own parishioners,” Weiss said.

Parents, don't wait too long for 'The talk'

Weiss, Daniel (Sexual Integrity Leaders) Weiss

Weiss says the dangers of pornography as well as the beauty of the proper use of sexuality should be part of "the talk" you have with your kids. The changing world necessitates that the talk come sooner rather than later.

“I think every parent needs to have conversations with their children today, much earlier than they would want to or expect to,” Weiss said.

He says churches should tackle the problem head on, providing resources and supportive accountability.

“The Christian perspective, the Christian life, is offering the optimal success for people. It doesn't mean everyone lives out perfectly, but we have a message this world actually wants to hear.”