Gender studies professor says she sincerely wants to understand dangerous Trump supporters

Gender studies professor says she sincerely wants to understand dangerous Trump supporters

Gender studies professor says she sincerely wants to understand dangerous Trump supporters

After a liberal religion writer says she has some questions for churchgoing Trump supporters, one of those supporters has questions about her motives.

Susan Shaw, an ordained Baptist minister and gender studies professor. She is also a columnist for Baptist News Global, the news arm of the liberal Cooperative Baptist Fellowship that broke away from the Southern Baptist Convention decades ago. 

Shaw, Susan Shaw

In a BNG column published last week, the liberal minister-professor-author insists she is “trying to understand conservative Christians’ support of Trump.” So she lists numerous questions, 16 in all, in a supposed attempt to better understand MAGA Christians who are described by the author as assault gun-owning, Bible-ignoring, racist, immigrant-hating Trump supporters.

“Do you think Jesus would support teen boys and young men owning assault rifles?” Shaw asks in Question No. 8.

“If you believe the U.S. is supposed to be a Christian nation, what do you think we should do about the non-Christians who live here?” Shaw asks in Question No. 11.

Gary Bauer, of American Values, read the list of questions and concluded the author is not attempting to ask questions and find answers as she claims.

“It’s attempting to make an argument, through the questions, that it is unacceptable for a Christian to support Donald Trump,” Bauer tells AFN.

Shaw’s article begins with a claim she is “sincerely trying to understand” Trump supporters, and she asks them to not be “sarcastic or snarky” in the responses she gets from them. Yet the framing of the questions – January 6 was an “insurrection,” she says, and border-crossing illegal aliens are simply “migrants” – point to her own leftist political viewpoint.

For example, a previous Shaw column about abortion calls it "reproductive justice." After the first attempted assassination of Trump, Shaw wrote a column describing the anxiety and depression of today's youths. 

Bauer, Gary (American Values) Bauer

Among the other questions, Bauer says he was disappointed in one that mentioned Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies.

“Why does that not disqualify him?" Shaw demands to know.

“As any fair-minded person knows, this was a politicized prosecution of Donald Trump,” Bauer says. “What I think should disqualify candidates is the politicization of America's criminal justice system.”