Tony Perkins of Family Research Council is one of the main organizers of the Pray For & Stand with Israel event.

"The goal is to have churches just take at least a few minutes on their Sunday morning service to pray for Israel," he explains. "This is not necessarily focused on an event; it is focused on individual churches and individuals collectively praying for Israel and then posting that … on their social media."
Other partners include American Family Association President Tim Wildmon, former Representative Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), Carlos Duran of the National Hispanic Pastors Alliance, and Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills.
Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, is also among them. He says his organization has been a supporter of Israel for many years.

"I've led about 30 groups to Israel, 30 trips to the Holy Land, and … we have good friends there," he shares. "We're very much aware of what is going on Israel and the efforts of Hamas and others to destroy the Jewish people and the nation of Israel, so, we believe it is very wise, appropriate, and timely for us to pray and stand with Israel on May 19."
He submits that if the Church does not stand for Israel and the Jewish people now, then there will be no one to stand for believers.
"The antisemitism is not limited to the Jewish people," Staver warns. "It starts with them, but it'll certainly also include Christians."
19,327 people have so far pledged to join together in solidarity and prayer for the peace, security, and prosperity of all of Israel. There is still time to invite other believers and churches to join the nationwide movement.