From endorsing critical race theory as a useful tool, to going soft on biblical ordination, to the wandering Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, to the sex abuse scandal, AFN has reported on the unrest in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).
Pastor Mike Stone, former chairman of the SBC Executive Committee, recently told the "Real Truth for Today with Pastor Jeff Schreve" radio program that it all boils down to one glaring error.

"I see a lot of chameleons in the pulpit. People that I thought five, six, seven years ago that I knew them in terms of who they were convictionally and doctrinally … I don't feel like I recognize them anymore," he lamented. "We have a lot of churches trying to be attractional. I think that the Body of Christ is attracted to a bold declaration of truth.
He also acknowledged that pining for the world's approval has always been a problem in the Church, one that leads to doctrinal error and mission drift.
"If I believe something biblically, but I'm too afraid to share it, it's the same as if I were a Bible-rejecting, gospel-rejecting, apostate preacher," Pastor Stone added.
His advice to the tens of thousands of Southern Baptist pastors is to be bold and uncompromising. That, he says, is "the greatest asset" a preacher or teacher of the gospel has.
"It liberates me to be unconcerned about the response of the people," Stone told the radio program.
Stone serves as pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Blackshear, Georgia.