The Episcopal Church House of Deputies, as one of its governing bodies is called, adopted Resolution D076 on Friday. It reads that the 80th General Convention denounces the work of crisis pregnancy centers, and it apologizes for the church's previous support of said centers.
Gary Bauer of American Values did not think the Episcopal Church could get any worse on biblical doctrine than it already was.
"This is pure insanity," he submits. "It's an embarrassment, and clearly, they have surrendered to dark forces."

By his observation, the denomination left the faith long ago, when the Episcopal Church took its eyes off the unchanging Word of God. And once a denomination starts thinking they must bring the Bible "up to date," Bauer says there is no limit to how far they will end up going.
"What is happening now in that denomination -- horrifying doesn't capture it," he laments. "I think a reasonable person would conclude at this point a resolution endorsing the Bible would fail by a voice vote."
He does not think the God of the Bible can be found in the Episcopal Church.
"The only god that would be proud of what they've done is Molech, the god of child sacrifice in the Old Testament," the pro-lifer asserts.
A motion to remove the resolution from the consent calendar was defeated on a voice vote. The resolution must be passed by the House of Bishops to be adopted by the 80th General Convention.