The PC (USA) reportedly lost more than 51,000 members in 2021. More than 100 churches left the fold, and four presbyteries – similar to a diocese in the Catholic Church -- left the PC (USA) in 2021.
While some might chalk the decline up to COVID, Mark Tooley of The Institute on Religion & Democracy says the Presbyterian Church USA has been spiraling for years.

"The PC (USA) has been losing members every year of its history," he reports. "The denomination is about 40 years old, and even its predecessor denomination has lost about two-thirds of its original members over the last 55, 57 years."
The reason, he says, can be traced back to when the denomination compromised on the authority of scripture. That opened the door for support of deviant sexuality, including the misuse of marriage. But despite the clear violation of God's Word and a decades-long decline of the denomination, no alarm bells are ringing among PC (USA) leaders.
"Institutionally, there seems to be no recognition whatsoever that anything is wrong," he laments.
Meanwhile, the congregants continue to flee -- many of them to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church or to the Evangelical Covenant Order, which was created specifically to receive departing PC (USA) congregations. Unfortunately, Tooley adds, many Presbyterians have left the church altogether.