The Catholic Organization for Relief and Development Aid (Cordaid), a "value-based emergency relief and development organization" based in the Netherlands, works throughout the world with support from the Dutch bishops. Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute tells American Family News it also happens to be a member of a Vatican-run organization called Caritas Internationalis.

"The problem is that in 2016 they partnered with International Planned Parenthood Federation for the creation and implementation of a sex-ed program called Jeune S3, [which] promotes all manner of contraception, including abortifacients, to children as young as 10," Hichborn explains.
The agency also recruits religious leaders to promote the program that undermines the church's teachings.
"In response to this, because our report is very comprehensive and extremely damning, we are calling upon the bishops of the Netherlands to invoke Canon 216 of the Code of Canon Law to strip Cordaid of its Catholic identity, and we're calling upon Caritas Internationalis to remove Cordaid from among its members," the watchdog relays.
The Lepanto Institute's report also shows Cordaid providing funds to Planned Parenthood as early as 2012.
Hichborn encourages the public to send emails asking the bishops to politely request a change.