Speaking on American Family Radio's "Today's Issues" program, Tim Todd of Revival Fires International and the Truth for Youth Bible ministry said he began praying several months ago for the Lord to open doors and allow him to distribute the Spanish translation of Truth for Youth Bibles to people crossing the southern border.
"In May, I got a phone call from a pastor of a small church in South Texas that said, 'I'm personal friends with a facility director of a gold standard facility. He has 2,000 kids every two weeks, and we need Bibles for these people,'" Todd shared. "The people are coming from Mexico and many countries in Central America, and they have them for two weeks before they go into foster care or they're sponsored by a family or they go back to Central America or they have family members here in the country."
After getting permission from the facility director, Todd was able to preach to 2,000 young men ages 12 to 18 years old.

"1,997 of them in that facility in three services gave their heart to the Lord Jesus Christ and got saved," cheered Todd. "Three weeks ago, I was back there again and was able to preach. They were over capacity, had 2,005 young men ages 12 to 18, [and] all 2,005 gave their heart to the Lord and got saved."
The young men were given a Truth for Youth Bible upon leaving the service.
"You just never know how many Billy Grahams or how many ministers of the gospel are going to go back to their own country and turn their area upside down for Jesus Christ," said Todd. "I don't know how long this door is going to be open, and I really personally don't want people coming into our nation illegally, but the truth is they're coming, and they need Jesus. When they stand before God, the Lord won't ask them if they have a green card or citizenship in the United States; what will matter is that they are a citizen of Heaven."
Todd plans to return to the facility again within the next few weeks.