According to InterVarsity's poll, 39% of students, most of whom are born-again Christians, said racial justice is their first priority out of more than a dozen choices, including religious freedom. 29% said climate change was their most important concern, and abortion came in third at 28%.
Alex McFarland of Truth for a New Generation believes biblical concerns should be more of a priority for Christian students.
"These contrived emergencies like human-induced global warming and the idea that America is somehow systemically, structurally racist and unjust -- these are manufactured causes of the left that they're using to try to turn us more Marxist," McFarland submits.
"If they're not part of overtly a biblical worldview, they're not what a Christian needs to involve himself with," he continues.

He suspects the priorities have been systematically set by colleges that have been "woke" for decades.
"Wokeness and biblical justice are two vastly different things," the apologist insists. "Wokeness is code-speak for the left's most recent attempt, their strategy du jour to turn this country secular and Marxist."
And a secular, Marxist country, he warns, has at least two concerns on its target list: Christians' morals and religious freedom.
"The unsaved, godless people in the Biden administration, starting with the president himself, are working so that there is no legal protection for the unborn; we don't have rights of religious expression," McFarland observes.
The poll also found that despite many lawsuits surrounding their presence on secular campuses, around 75% of those surveyed believe college campuses are "extremely," "very," or "moderately" supportive and welcoming of evangelicals.
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is an inter-denominational, evangelical Christian campus ministry.