Pastor Joseph Parker, host of "The Hour of Intercession" on American Family Radio and a warrior for life, explains that pro-life clinics do a lot of work that could be associated with a church.
"Lots of pregnancy clinics don't have nearly the kind of volunteer support they need," he adds. "Too many operate on shoestring budgets, but the fact is they do a lot of work. A normal pregnancy clinic will see lots of evangelism happen, lots of discipleship ministry happen; lots of pastoral care happens through your average pregnancy clinic."
However, as he recently told One News Now, many churches do not support the clinics in any way.

"One just outside of Memphis, Tennessee … recently found out that they had in their immediate community somewhere around 500 and something churches," he shares about his recent visit with the staff of one of the busiest pro-life clinics in Mississippi. "I asked them what kind of support they were getting from the local church, and sadly, this staff person kind of chuckled; they said they get support from 13 churches."
So Parker, author of "A Pastor's Notes: God Calls Churches to Stand Boldly for Life," is challenging all churches to think about any role they could play in working with pro-life pregnancy centers, whether through volunteering, donating supplies for babies and pregnant women, or through financial contributions.