Lame duck dousing 'green friends' on his way out the door

Lame duck dousing 'green friends' on his way out the door

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Lame duck dousing 'green friends' on his way out the door

An energy expert is not happy that the Biden administration is giving a $6.6 billion loan to a struggling electric vehicle (EV) maker.

Larry Behrens of Power the Future remembers Solyndra, a solar company that went bankrupt after receiving $535 million in federal loan guarantees during the Obama-Biden administration.

Now the Biden-Harris administration is using its last days in power to try to help Rivian Automotive build a factory in Georgia. The project reportedly stalled as the startup electric vehicle maker "struggled to become profitable."

"If you take the letters in the word Rivian and rearrange them, I'm sure they're going to spell Solyndra," Behrens jabs.

He calls this a "business venture that will not stand on its own two feet" and says it is not the taxpayers' job to continually throw billions of dollars at something that is not financially viable on its own.

Behrens, Larry (Power the Future) Behrens

"This is not for the Joe Biden administration to be doing right now," Behrens adds. "The American public has rejected this agenda. They are on their way out the door, just putting taxpayer dollars through a firehose to all of their green friends."

Whenever critics object to a Democrat-controlled White House giving money to green energy efforts, folks on the Left often point out that the federal government offers tax breaks and other incentives to oil and gas efforts. Behrens says the two are not the same.

Aside from the fact that the latter efforts receive a fraction of what is given to "green energy," the expert points out that oil, natural gas, and coal are revenue producers. That is why President-elect Trump is looking to have more oil and natural gas; it will reduce the national deficit without raising taxes and put more Americans to work.

In his opinion, Biden's loan to Rivian needs to be stopped immediately and investigated when the new administration takes over.