Walgreens, Rite Aid, and CVS pharmacies have formally announced plans to sell abortion drugs, though Walgreens does not plan to sell them in 20 states where they are illegal or where laws prohibit the shipment of life-ending pills via mail.
In response, Carol Tobias of National Right to Life tells AFN 17 U.S. Senate Democrats have written a series of letters chiding Walgreens, the second-largest pharmacy store chain in the U.S., for respecting the laws.

"It's kind of a lose-lose for the drug stores, for the pharmacies," she observes. "It's unconscionable that the Democrats -- some in Congress and governors like [Gavin] Newsom (D) in California -- would say that you have to break a state law in order to kill an unborn child. That just makes absolutely no sense."
The Senate Democrats have also sent attack letters to Albertsons, Costco, Kroger, and Walmart for staying silent on the matter. According to The Washington Stand, the letters all appear to reference a Family Research Council-led coalition letter that urged pharmaceutical companies to refrain from joining the abortion industry.
Tobias says Biden's administration is making up rules as they go along, and they are ignoring federal law.
"Our tax dollars are being used to pay for abortions in some circumstances … like in the Department of Veterans Affairs, because the Biden administration doesn't care that there is a federal law that says no taxpayer funding of abortion," the pro-lifer laments. "It shows their total disregard for everything but making sure that unborn children are killed."
She says it is sad that that is their highest priority.