Thousands to gather to help Trump celebrate his 78th birthday

Thousands to gather to help Trump celebrate his 78th birthday

Thousands to gather to help Trump celebrate his 78th birthday

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Thousands are expected to gather at a Donald Trump birthday party Friday in West Palm Beach, Florida.Donald Trump spent the day before his 78th birthday being feted by Republicans in Congress who sang “Happy Birthday” and presented him with a cake and gifts. It was a remarkable show of loyalty for a former president who was shunned by many of the same lawmakers after the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot. On Friday, Trump will get another birthday celebration, this time with thousands of supporters in his adopted home state.

Friday's celebration comes a day after Republicans on Capitol Hill held their own party with the former president after he spent most of the day in meetings with them. The GOP lawmakers, some of whom have acted unkindly towards him in recent years, sang 'Happy Birthday" and presented him with a cake and gifts.

On Friday, members of the “Club 47” fan group will hear from Trump in West Palm Beach, Florida, a short drive from his Mar-a-Lago residence. The event sold out of 5,000 tickets at about $35 apiece, with closer spots to the stage costing $60, according to Club 47 President Larry Snowden

Club 47 is based in Palm Beach County and says on its website that the club’s goal is to keep Trump’s supporters “in our area connected and engaged.” Trump most recently spoke to the club in October, days after the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist massacre of more than 1200 Israeli men, women and children.

Lydia Maldonado, a local Hispanic activist who plans to attend Friday, said she’s frequently attended events at Club 47 and been surrounded by a crowd adorned in U.S. flag shirts, Trump 2024 gear and U.S.-themed costumes.

Maldonado said this event is unique compared to any rally or event nationwide with the former president. Maldonado said she’s excited to be at an event for Trump’s birthday, but she also thinks Trump feels comfortable and familiar with this crowd since it’s his hometown.

“The purpose of having this event is pretty much to let him know how much the community here loves him and how much the community supports him,” Maldonado said.