Kentucky's Democrat governor signs executive order banning use of 'conversion therapy'

Kentucky's Democrat governor signs executive order banning use of 'conversion therapy'

Kentucky's Democrat governor signs executive order banning use of 'conversion therapy'

FRANKFORT, Ky. — Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear banned the use of “conversion therapy” on minors in Kentucky on Wednesday, calling his executive order a necessary step to protect children.

The governor took action using his executive powers after efforts to enact a law banning the practice repeatedly failed in the state's Republican-dominated legislature. Beshear signed the executive order during a statehouse ceremony attended by activists for LGBTQ+ rights.

Basically, so-called 'conversion therapy' is an effort to persuade young people to avoid temptations to enter the homosexual or transgender lifestyle. There have been concerns among some Christians that such bans make it illegal for even a pastor to counsel a young person about their feelings.

The executive order signed by Beshear bans the practice and makes it illegal to use state or federal funds to provide the therapy on minors. It also gives the state's board of licensure the authority to take action against anyone found to have practiced conversion therapy on minors and gives the board the authority to bring disciplinary action against anyone found in violation of the order.