Congress honors 13 troops killed during Biden's disastrous Kabul withdrawal

Congress honors 13 troops killed during Biden's disastrous Kabul withdrawal

Congress honors 13 troops killed during Biden's disastrous Kabul withdrawal

WASHINGTON — House Speaker Mike Johnson hosted a ceremony Tuesday to posthumously present Congress' highest honor — the Congressional Gold Medal — to 13 U.S. service members who were killed during President Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Both Democrats and Republicans supported the legislation to honor the 13 U.S. troops, who were killed along with more than 170 Afghans in a suicide bombing at Abbey Gate near Kabul's Airport in August 2021.

House Republicans released a scathing report on Sunday into the withdrawal that cast blame on Biden’s administration.

Speaker Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, praised the House report, which was led by the chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Republican Rep. Michael McCaul.

“We must not allow the Biden-Harris Administration to rewrite history,” Johnson said in a statement. "The families of the 13 fallen servicemembers and the allies we abandoned in Afghanistan deserve better.”