Nebraska Supreme Court approves ballot measures on abortion and private school funding

Nebraska Supreme Court approves ballot measures on abortion and private school funding

Nebraska Supreme Court approves ballot measures on abortion and private school funding

The Nebraska Supreme Court ruled Friday that competing measures that would expand or limit abortion rights can appear on the November ballot and another ballot measure that calls for an end to taxpayer funding for private schools.

On the abortion question, the high court’s ruling came days after it heard arguments in three lawsuits that sought to keep one or both of the competing abortion initiatives off the November ballot.

One initiative would enshrine in the Nebraska Constitution the right to have an abortion until viability, or later to protect the health of the pregnant woman. The other would enshrine in the constitution Nebraska’s current 12-week abortion ban, passed by the Legislature in 2023, which includes exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the pregnant woman.

In the second case, the state's high court approved a ballot measure seeking to repeal a new conservative-backed law that provides taxpayer money for private school tuition.

Friday's court ruling comes after a long fight over the private school funding issue. Public school advocates carried out a successful signature-gathering effort this summer to ask voters to reverse the use of public money for private school tuition.