Usual culprits okay with youngsters having access to online smut

Usual culprits okay with youngsters having access to online smut

Usual culprits okay with youngsters having access to online smut

A lawmaker's attempt to clean up Internet access to children is on life support.

In New Jersey, Democratic Assemblyman Herb Conaway has introduced a bill (A5750) that would require that a minor seeking social media access have the approval of a parent first, and the parent's age has to be verified. Gregory Quinlan of The Center for Garden State Families tells AFN the bill is opposed by Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union.

Quinlan, Gregory (The Center for Garden State Families) Quinlan

"The reason being is that the information [this legislation] would protect children from is the very information where these organizations – the LGBTQ, Planned Parenthood, etcetera – thrive because this is their way to recruit," he explains. "This is their way to indoctrinate children into activities and ideas the children shouldn't be introduced to at any age."

The opposing groups, says Quinlan, are intent on defeating any attempt to protect minors and destroy the Planned Parenthood client base.

"Regardless of the intent of this bill, which is in the right direction, it's not going to go anywhere," he laments, "because those people who have influence have the money and they've decided to not let this bill go through."

Planned Parenthood has shown itself to be the originator of some of the most vile sex-education curriculum in the land, all directed at young people – and by encouraging promiscuity among youth, Planned Parenthood is almost guaranteed future customers for contraception and abortion.