TX ministry ready to cook hot meals for storm-battered Florida

TX ministry ready to cook hot meals for storm-battered Florida

TX ministry ready to cook hot meals for storm-battered Florida

In the aftermath of Hurricane Ian ravaging Florida, a Texas ministry that says it is repaying a debt to The Sunshine State after being helped in past years.

Scottie Stice, director of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention Disaster Relief, says the ministry is sending two massive mobile kitchens to storm-battered Florida. One unit is headed for the Ft. Myers area to working alongside Salvation Army volunteers. It can put out 15,000 meals a day.

“The other unit is a 25,000 meal a day unit,” Stice says, “and logistically we're doing everything we can to prepare wherever the location is."

Stice, Scottie Stice

Stice says the SBC ministry is excited to help another state after Texas has been clobbered with storms, too, and Texans witnessed help rush in to help them.

On the scene of the natural disaster, Stice says the disaster relief ministry sees a variety of people come by, from Christian believers to unbelievers. 

“We find many that are not believers,” he says, “and we’re able to shape the gospel with them.”