WaPo, NYT ignore Biden admin. admitting error in promoting CRT group

WaPo, NYT ignore Biden admin. admitting error in promoting CRT group

WaPo, NYT ignore Biden admin. admitting error in promoting CRT group

The slogans of the Washington Post and New York Times that promise thorough reporting were broken Thursday when the left-leaning dailies avoided reporting about the Biden administration admitting it mistakenly promoted a critical race theory group in a public school handbook intended to give guidance in reopening schools from the COVID-19 lockdown.

With the Post’s mantra that “Democracy Dies in Darkness” and the Times’ being “All the News That’s Fit to Print,” both outlets hypocritically refused to inform their readership of another one of the administration’s indiscretions – not to mention the Hunter Biden scandal, the extent of its failure at the border and its part in defunding the police … just to name a few.

Caught red-handed

Just hours after Fox News published its story exposing how the Department of Education’s handbook promoted the Abolitionist Teaching Network – which calls for teachers to “disrupt Whiteness and other forms of oppression,” through radical rhetoric aligned with critical race theory – the Biden administration announced that it was errant in promoting the radical group.

"The Department does not endorse the recommendations of this group – nor do they reflect our policy positions,” a spokesperson from the administration told Fox News on Wednesday. “It was an error in a lengthy document to include this citation."

Neither the Post nor Times covered the Department of Education admitting its error – with both papers not immediately responding to Fox’s requests for comment on the matter.

Recruiting teachers to become social justice activists

Under the guise of “anti-racism,” the Abolitionist Teaching Network’s material – including the guide that the Department of Education promoted – uses language associated with critical race theory without actually mentioning the controversial teaching.

“Abolitionist Teaching Network's mission is simple: develop and support educators to fight injustice within their schools and communities,” ATN’s COVID-19 handbook reads. “This guide builds from the premise that injustice manifests differently in different schools and communities.”

It works on the premise that whites treat minorities deplorably and alludes to CRT teachings.

“Abolitionist Teachers believe that no Black, Brown, or Indigenous child is disposable – we must embody the spirit
of Black Lives Mattering – not just say Black Lives Matter,” the guide continues. “This guide is an invitation for Abolitionist Teachers to individually and collectively generate critical reflection and action.”

It calls teachers to fight so-called white systemic racism.

“Abolitionist Teachers will always center the injustices of their own school and community when taking action,” the introduction argues. “There will always be risks associated with fighting injustices in our schools and communities, [and] this is why Abolitionist work requires solidarity from coconspirators. Abolitionist Teaching promotes justice, healing, joy, and liberation for all Black, Brown, and Indigenous folx – inclusive of all intersecting identities.”

Politically correct racism and Marxism

Critics of critical race theory have long argued that it is not only geared to shame whites and tag them all as inherently racist, but to promote Marxism and bring harm to the Asian-American community.

One vocal opponent of CRT, author and independent journalist Helen Raleigh, has exposed Democrats and corporate media’s collaborative endeavor to reinforce their shared agenda that divides Americans by race and incites racial tensions.

"They're only going to want to reinforce, you know, one type of ideology," Raleigh explained to Fox News. "New York Times is a great example, right?"  

She called out the Times for promoting its “woke ideology” and for covering up any news that sheds the Biden administration in a negative light.

"The New York Times is basically run by young, woke-left activists who basically take orders from the tweeters," Raleigh added.