Tax dollars no longer 'weaponized' against TX children

Tax dollars no longer 'weaponized' against TX children

Tax dollars no longer 'weaponized' against TX children

A GOP state representative has convinced the Texas State Library & Archives Commission to disassociate with the world's oldest and largest library association.

Many parents throughout the country have been expressing their dismay about the filthy and socialist materials their children can access in public and school libraries. Now, Texas has taken action.

Among his issues with the current setup, State Representative Brian Harrison (R) points out that taxpayers are paying for those objectionable materials.

Harrison, Brian (R-TX) Harrison

"Those dollars should be spent to teach these kids to read and write -- not to indoctrinate them, not to push dangerous, socialist, Marxist ideology on them, and certainly not to be buying obscene materials and handing them to young elementary and junior high kids in taxpayer-funded schools," Harrison contends.

Considering that American Library Association President Emily Drabinski is a self-described Marxist lesbian who uses her position to proliferate her views, Harrison has convinced Texas that it is in the best interest of children and parents to no longer subsidize it.

"I'm very proud that less than a month after I asked the Texas State Library Commission to cut ties with the radical American Library Association, they informed me that they are not going to be renewing their contracts," Rep. Harrison relays. "This is a win for all taxpayers. It's a win for Americans. I am fed up with taxpayers' money being weaponized against them and their values and their children."

He views this situation as a great example of what parents can accomplish when they use their voice in education and educational freedom.