What do you call a librarian who won't do her job? Fired

What do you call a librarian who won't do her job? Fired

What do you call a librarian who won't do her job? Fired

A rural community in Wyoming continues to be successful in its fight against smut at a local library.

For nearly two years, concerned citizens in Gillette have fought to move sexually explicit books away from the children and teen sections of the public library – not, as the pro-LGBT and pro-pornography leftists claim, ban the books.

MassResistance reports that throughout the public comments to the public library, and even after the county commissioners appointed different library board members, library Director Terri Lesley remained "arrogant and condescending" about keeping the pornographic books available to children.

In June, the new library board approved a revised Collections Development Policy, requiring that all materials that violate the obscenity standards be immediately "weeded out" and that no new such materials may be brought in.

Lesley refused to comply, maintaining that the graphic sexual materials were not obscene.

In July, after she denied a request for her resignation, the library board voted to fire her.

Campbell County resident Ed Siski, who has been part of the campaign, summarizes that Lesley lost her job "because there was no action on moving any of the books."

"Until the last pay increase, she was making $120,000 a year, with full benefits – which was almost double what we've found in other counties larger than us in Wyoming," Siski's wife, Susan, adds.

The county has appointed an interim library director until a permanent one is hired.

MassResistance, which helped organize the Gillette community, lauds the parents in Campbell County "who have kept this battle going … through thick and thin."

"We are thrilled with the principled members of the library board who put the welfare of children first," the pro-family activist organization declares.