The Hispanic community in America is pro-life, pro-family, pro-religious freedom – and accounts for about one in every eight eligible voters in the U.S. Recent polling shows the Latino community is edging toward the Republican Party and away from the Democratic Party, which has long considered that demographic a given.
But Rev. Samuel Rodrigues of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference says it may the beginning of a major sea change that could make Latinos the swing vote that both major parties will pursue.
"Now it's evenly split; last survey by the Wall Street Journal is evenly split [between the two major political parties] 37% to 37%. Which is, wow, an incredible wake up call," he tells AFN. "[Only] 28% of Latinos support the current occupant of the White House – you heard me right: 28%."

Rodriguez says it might come as a surprise to some, but the Hispanic-American community want a secure border and an end to illegal immigration.
"The vast majority of Latinos – in the high 60s, low 70s – definitely want the finishing of the wall, be it physical or virtual using … technology, satellite infrared imaging, and so forth," Rodrigues explalins. "But they want the border protected."
And he points out the Hispanic church is growing in numbers and ready to be a force for Christ in America.
"The Latino community is no longer the second-class community that we are making outreaches to so this community could somehow be helped. No, no, no, no, no – quite the contrary," he shares.
"Latinos/Hispanics are equal partners with white evangelicals, with white Christians, with the African-American community in the advancement of the gospel of Jesus in America. We're not a mission field."
The WSJ reports that various groups have analyzed the political shift of the Hispanic community and cite causes such as frustration over pandemic-related job losses, the GOP's success in persuading voters who turn out infrequently – and a higher turnout among the most conservative Hispanic voters.